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Tribute to "Jib"


2024 AKC Breeder of the Year Estelle Kapsner
For the sport of Agility

and owner Han Yu

Skye wins first place in the 12-inch division at the 2022 Agility AKC Invitational Championship.

Pre, Coos, and True
2022 AKC Agility World Team's USA Small Dog Team. Video by AKC TV.

AKC TV interviews Laura Dolan, owner of miniature poodles Pre and Coos.
Owner Cassie Schmidt is also shown with her miniature poodle True.
All three are are on the USA Small Dog Team and will compete in Europe.

Big news! Laura Dolan
 and Pre win the agility 12 inch at 2021 Westminster! Congratulations!

March 3rd, 2019

From Emily Walker

I’m beyond proud and excited to announce that Lyra and I were chosen to be members of this years AKC European Open Junior Team USA, and that we will be heading to Switzerland this summer to compete at EOJ 2019!!!

This is proof to never give up on your dreams no matter what blocks are put in your way, proof to never give up on your dogs, and proof that anything is possible with determination, positivity, hard work, and confidence. Receiving that phone call yesterday morning after waiting for three years for the opportunity to try out, not being able to go with Indi because of his docked tail, after not being sure where Lyra would be by March, and this being my last chance before I age out...I broke down in tears from the shear fact that our dreams are coming true. With Lyra, destiny does exist. When Lyra found her way into my life a year ago; I set our goals, chose my dreams, and through the ups and downs I chased them. So here’s to the incredible 21 month old Miniature Poodle that found her way to me a year ago, stole my heart, taught me so much, and together we’re making dreams come true.I can’t wait to go compete overseas this summer!!!

Thank you so much to the EOJ staff for giving us this incredible opportunity; thank you Estelle for keeping Lyra open until we decided we could take her; thank you so much Suzi for bringing us together, for the constant support and for believing in me from the beginning; thank you Debbie for being an incredible trainer and inspiration for me since I was 10 years old; thank you Cassandra for getting us over the teeter hump; thank you to Debby for coming up to me at PCA 2 years ago and putting a bug in my ear, and showing me its possible; thank you to everyone that has encouraged and supported me over the years; and thank you to my amazing parents for allowing me to follow my agility dreams!

Emily Walker and "Lyra".

Ch Safranne's Trendsetter #1 Ranked Poodle Miniature for 2018. NADD presents an Achievement Award for Excellence in Diving Dogs.

We have a National Agility Champion! 

Safranne's Lexis Speed Racer "Lexi" owned by Maxine Levinson and handled by Loretta Vojtech. 
 Lexi and Loretta won the 12 inch preferred 2017.

Look who made it on the cover of Clean Run magazine!

"Dazzle" owned and loved by Mitzi Keating

Our First 2016 Champion!

AM CH Safranne's Quest For A Miracle

2016 AKC Agility Nationals of Poodles!

As of January 2016, "Vela" is the number one poodle in AKC Obedience!

We have a new AKC Obedience Champion. Congratulations Evelyn Gansfuss and "Vela" who is a Deck/Evie daughter from Janco Miniature poodles with Janet Collins.

Today Vela changed her name to OTCH Janco Cosmic Argo Vela with two 1st places HIT and High Combines.

- Evelyn, August 2, 2015.

Hi Estelle, Saw your write-up on Vela.Thought you should mention that she is 3 ½ years old. Vela received her UD title in Sept 2014.I don’t show in the winter so she managed to accumulate the 53 additional points and her 1sts in Open from April thru August.Only showed once in June and Once in July and Once in August.The weather was hot, hot, hot when she finished.I haven’t had a dog that loved obedience as much as Vela in a long time."


One more for 2015!
AM CH Safranne's Joyous Celebration
"Jay Cee"

June 21, 2015.

We have our first New Year AKC Champions!

CH Safranne's Dreams of an Autumn Mist
"Misty" owned by Linda Puckett.

AM CH Safranne's Trendsetter, 

Trendi finished her AKC Championship Jan. 24, 2015 at 11 months of age. 

Our First New Year pups have arrived.

Cyndi and Deck would like to welcome their first litter together.
Four boys born Jan. 12, 2015. 

Safranne Miniature Poodles has entered the Hunt Field Work!


Safranne's Sweet Girl Blue Storm Rising

We have a New Champion at Safranne Miniature Poodles!

Introducing CH VanTan's Girls Just Want to Have Fun, aka Cyndi. Cyndi is the final Maggie x Benny champion. Congratulations, Estelle Kapsner. Thank you for letting her stay here and be shown. Cyndi is home with Estelle now and is joining the Safranne team. Have fun, Cyndi! We love you!

CH VanTan's Girls Just Want To Have Fun, aka Cyndi....the final Maggie x Benny champion. Congratulations to her co-owner, Estelle Kapsner, who is Cyndi's new Law and Order watching buddy. Cyndi will start working on some new titles for the other end of her name next! Thank you to judge Mrs. Houston (Toddie) Clark for finishing our girl!

-Barb Tannahill

New Agility Title in the Family.

Barb and Jiblet have a new AKC Open JWW title on the 4th of July! Way to GO Team JIB!

Barb Mars and Jibblet or as we fondly refer to as "Team Jib" receive their first CATCH on May 25th, 2014.

Canine Performance Events
Canine Agility Champion
Catch 1

Our Unsung Heroes - Therapy Dogs 

Here is our Ch Safranne's Dream Cruiser doing what comes naturally. Thank you Terri and Alice for giving him this chance to live up to his potential. It is the Therapy dogs that are the hidden heroes amongst all the breed and performance lights. Well here is a big CHEER for the beacons of the Therapy Dog World! Congratulations Terri and our own "Cruiser". We are very proud of both of you.

Teri and Cruiser ready to present Teri's Masters paper on Animal Assisted Therapy in the schools. So proud of her and Cruise. - Alice Howe 
It is by far the greatest love that these dogs give so freely. Cruiser has been a God send to so many children. Better than any title any day:) good job Estelle Kapsner. And for Teri presenting this program. Schools need these dogs in the schools to aide these kids. It is truly amazing to watch. -Julie Seeley

Carter Makes a New Friend!

Thank you Estelle Kapsner and Safranne Miniature Poodles for sharing such a wonderful dog with me. Carter spent the whole day in my kindergarten classroom. He was a rockstar! He was calm, affectionate, playful with all 17 children. He made a special connection with a student with special needs. I know we will have fun doing performance sports together, but seeing him touch the lives of other people is his best gift The children were bummed when he needed to take a few naps in his crate. Both Carter and the children are looking forward to an encore visit.
-Julie Seeley

We have two new champions!

Safranne's Silver Sails Just a Splash completed her
AKC Championship Jan. 18, 2014.


We have a new home bred Champion! Safranne's Silver Sails Heart Breaker finished his AKC Championship. Breaker just turned a year on July 7th and he is a Champion on July 21st. What a year it has been. Thank you judge Michael Dachel for his CH win.

AM CH Safranne's Silver Sails Heart Breaker
completed his in July 2013.

"MACH3 Jagger"

MACH3 Safranne's Jumping Jack Flash reaches his third Mach just days after his 4th birthday! 12/9/13.

Congratulations Maggie and Jagger, we are so proud of you!

Jean Safranek, thanks again for a fabulous little poodle and Jane Simmons-Moake, thanks for all the great training! Go Jagger go!
- Maggie Schoolar, Dec. 9th 2013.

"Vela" is a littermate and sister to "Truffle" pictured below.

Introducing Janco Cosmic Argo Vela aka "Vela" owned by Evelyn Gansfuss. Vela is our Safranne/Janco family Obedience Star. Pictured are Vela and Evelyn, a High In Trial team.

We have a new AKC Champion in the Family!

Am Champion Janco Silver Truffle is a "Deck" daughter and his first AKC breed champion pup. Truffle belongs to Janet Collins from Janco Miniature poodles in California. These pictures are from Poodle Variety the Oct. 2013 issue.

AKC Agility Nationals
Tulsa, OK 2013.
Over 60 poodles participated!
Here are some memories.

Mach Safranne's Jumping Jack Flash aka "Jagger" with Maggie Schoolar and Kim Johnson with Jib son "Hobbie".

"Jagger" giving out the "Team Handshake" to his owner/handler Maggie.

Cassie Schmidt with Bliss a JIB daughter and Kitty Bradley with "Penske" a Deck/Mia son.

"I checked the 2013 Invitational Poodle points last night and Jagger is 13th! That is before our great weekend! Very exciting I see you have several Safranne poodles in the top 25! I started thinking if we trial every weekend and qualify 80% of the time and ……. Then I came to my senses. Agility is so much more fun when you are there to play not to qualify. So I will stay the course and we will just see where we come out and then maybe next year!!"

- Maggie Schoolar, April 2013.

View Jagger's latest accomplishment.
1st place in JWW.

Safranne's La Crosse Jibblet X's 2

Jib's 2nd day at Hounds brought more fun and 1st place Q's in Novice JWW and Fast. 
Very proud of my Safranne girlie"

- Barb Mars, Dec.7, 2012.

MACH Safranne's Jumping Jack Flash reaches his first Mach just 3 days before his 3rd birthday!

Congratulations Maggie and Jagger, we are so proud of you!

Janco Silver Trufflem a Deck /Evie daughter owned by Janco Miniature Poodles renowned for their Obedience Performance poodles, received her first points in the breed ring! "Truffle" is owned by Janet Collins and is being handled by Kim Russell. Congratulations!

On July 22, 2012 Safranne's Jumping Jack Flash AX, MJX or "Jagger" qualified for the AKC Agility Nationals to be held in March 2013. Congratulations Maggie Schoolar and Jagger! Safranne' poodles are very proud!

New Agility Title in TDAA.

Deck finished his Superior (TSAD) TDAA title 5-19-2012 and is now starting his TACH Q's. Hopefully we are on a roll!

Safranne's Jump'in Jack Flash aka "Jagger" finished his MXJ Agility title! 27 months of age and he's moving on !!! Click on the agility tab and watch his title run. 3/4/12

Deck finished his Tea Cup Intermediate Dog Agility title and has moved on to Superior! 2-11-2012.


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